And, Or, Xor and Not Operator

Imports System
public class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim x As Integer = 5
Dim y As Integer = 7
Dim andValue As Boolean
Dim orValue As Boolean
Dim xorValue As Boolean
Dim notValue As Boolean
andValue = x = 3 And y = 7
orValue = x = 3 Or y = 7
xorValue = x = 3 Xor y = 7
notValue = Not x = 3
Console.WriteLine("x = 3 And y = 7. {0}", andValue)
Console.WriteLine("x = 3 Or y = 7. {0}", orValue)
Console.WriteLine("x = 3 Xor y = 7. {0}", xorValue)
Console.WriteLine("Not x = 3. {0}", notValue)
End Sub
End Class
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