Get count from the query : Count « LINQ « VB.Net

Get count from the query


Module Program

  Sub Main()
    Dim currentVideoGames() As String = {"A", "B", "this is a test", "D", "E", "S"}

    Dim numb As Integer = (From g In currentVideoGames _
                Where g.Length > 6 _
                Order By g _
                Select g).Count()

    Console.WriteLine("{0} items honor the LINQ query.", numb)

  End Sub
End Module


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1.Get the count of all employees hired this year.
2.Using Count to return a list of employeeList and how many orders each has
3.Using Count to return a list of categories and how many projectList each has
4.Aggregating Count with Conditional
5.Using Aggregating Count to get the number of unique factors of 300