Calls ToString() on each anonymous object : Anonymous Object « LINQ « VB.Net

Calls ToString() on each anonymous object


Public Class Car
  Public PetName As String = String.Empty
  Public Color As String = String.Empty
  Public Speed As Integer
  Public Make As String = String.Empty

  Public Overloads Overrides Function ToString() As String
    Return String.Format("Make={0}, Color={1}, Speed={2}, PetName={3}", _
      Make, Color, Speed, PetName)
  End Function
End Class

Module Program

  Sub Main()
        Dim myCars As New List(Of Car)(New Car() { _
    New Car With {.PetName = "D", .Color = "Silver", .Speed = 100, .Make = "BMW"}, _
    New Car With {.PetName = "C", .Color = "Tan", .Speed = 90, .Make = "BMW"}, _
    New Car With {.PetName = "B", .Color = "Rust", .Speed = 5, .Make = "Yugo"}, _
    New Car With {.PetName = "A", .Color = "White", .Speed = 43, .Make = "Ford"}})

    Dim makesColors = From c In myCars Select New With {c.Make, c.Color}
    Dim objs As Array = makesColors.ToArray()
    For Each o As Object In objs
      Console.WriteLine(o)  ' .

  End Sub

End Module


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2.An anonymous type is returned containing the Id, Name and Pay
3.Create anonymous type from query
4.Create anonymous type in query and convert to array
5.Get structured data which only accounts for the Make and Color of each item