Use DES, RC2, Rijndael, TripleDES to decrypt and Encrypt files : Cypher Decypher File « File Directory « VB.Net

Use DES, RC2, Rijndael, TripleDES to decrypt and Encrypt files

Use DES, RC2, Rijndael, TripleDES to decrypt and Encrypt files
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System

Public Class SymEnc
    Shared Dim algorithms() As String = {"DES", "RC2", "Rijndael", "TripleDES"}
    Shared Dim b64Keys() As String = {"YE32PGCJ/g0=","vct+rJ09WuUcR61yfxniTQ==","PHDPqfwE3z25f2UYjwwfwg4XSqxvl8WYmy+2h8t6AUg=","Q1/lWoraddTH3IXAQUJGDSYDQcYYuOpm"}
    Shared Dim b64IVs() As String = {"onQX8hdHeWQ=","jgetiyz+pIc=","pd5mgMMfDI2Gxm/SKl5I8A==","6jpFrUh8FF4="}

    Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal CmdArgs() As String)
        If (CmdArgs.Length <> 4) Then
        End If

        Dim algorithmsIndex As Integer = CmdArgs(0)

        If (algorithmsIndex < 0 Or algorithmsIndex >= algorithms.Length) Then
        End If
        Dim inputFile As FileStream = File.OpenRead(CmdArgs(2))
        Dim outputFile As FileStream = File.OpenWrite(CmdArgs(3))
        Dim sa As SymmetricAlgorithm = SymmetricAlgorithm.Create(algorithms(algorithmsIndex))
        sa.IV = Convert.FromBase64String(b64IVs(algorithmsIndex))
        sa.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(b64Keys(algorithmsIndex))

        If (CmdArgs(1).ToUpper().StartsWith("E")) Then
            Encrypt(sa, inputFile, outputFile)
            Decrypt(sa, inputFile, outputFile)
        End If
    End Sub

    Shared Public Sub Encrypt(ByVal sa As SymmetricAlgorithm,ByVal inputFile As Stream,ByVal outputFile As Stream)
        Dim trans As ICryptoTransform = sa.CreateEncryptor()
        Dim buf() As Byte = New Byte(2048) {}
        Dim cs As CryptoStream = _
        New CryptoStream(outputFile, trans, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
        Dim Len As Integer
        inputFile.Position = 0
        Len = inputFile.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)
        While (Len > 0)
            cs.Write(buf, 0, Len)
            Len = inputFile.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)
        End While
    End Sub

    Shared Public Sub Decrypt(ByVal sa As SymmetricAlgorithm,ByVal inputFile As Stream,ByVal outputFile As Stream)
        Dim trans As ICryptoTransform = sa.CreateDecryptor()
        Dim buf() As Byte = New Byte(2048) {}
        Dim cs As CryptoStream = _
        New CryptoStream(inputFile, trans, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
        Dim Len As Integer
        Len = cs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)
        While (Len > 0)
            outputFile.Write(buf, 0, Len)
            Len = cs.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)
        End While
    End Sub

    Shared Public Sub UsageAndExit()
        Console.Write("usage SymEnc <algorithms index> <D|E> <in> <out> ")
        Console.WriteLine("D =decrypt, E=Encrypt")
        For i As Integer = 0 To (algorithms.Length - 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Algo index: {0} {1}", i, algorithms(i))
        Next i
    End Sub
End Class


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