Serialize to Xml : Serialize Object « File Directory « VB.Net

Serialize to Xml


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
    Public Class MainClass
        Public Shared Sub Main()
            Dim roster = New EmployeeCollection(DateTime.Now)
            Dim employees = New Employee() _
                {New Employee With {.Id = 1, .Name = "A", _
                                    .Title = "Coder", _
                                    .HireDate = DateTime.Now, _
                                    .HourlyRate = 100.0}, _
                 New Employee With {.Id = 4, .Name = "B", _
                                    .Title = "Coder", _
                                    .HireDate = DateTime.Now, _
                                    .HourlyRate = 100.75}}

            roster.Employees = employees
            Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(EmployeeCollection))
            Dim fs As New FileStream("EmployeeCollection.xml", FileMode.Create)

            serializer.Serialize(fs, roster)

            roster = Nothing
            fs = New FileStream("EmployeeCollection.xml", FileMode.Open)
            roster = DirectCast(serializer.Deserialize(fs), EmployeeCollection)
            serializer.Serialize(Console.Out, roster)
        End Sub

    End Class
    <XmlRoot("EmployeeCollection")> _
    Public Class EmployeeCollection
        <XmlElement(ElementName:="LastUpdated", datatype:="date")> _
        Public LastUpdated As DateTime
        <XmlArray("Employees"), XmlArrayItem("Employee")> _
        Public Employees As Employee()
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub
        Public Sub New(ByVal update As DateTime)

            Me.LastUpdated = update

        End Sub

    End Class
    Public Class Employee

        <XmlElement("Name")> _
        Public Name As String = String.Empty

        <XmlElement("Title")> _
        Public Title As String = String.Empty

        <XmlElement(ElementName:="HireDate", datatype:="date")> _
        Public HireDate As DateTime = Date.MinValue

        <XmlElement("HourlyRate")> _
        Public HourlyRate As Decimal = 0

        <XmlAttribute(AttributeName:="id", DataType:="integer")> _
        Public Id As String = String.Empty
        Public Sub New()
        End Sub
        Public Sub New(ByVal employeName As String, ByVal employeeTitle As String, ByVal employeeHireDate As DateTime, ByVal employeeHourlyRate As Decimal)

            Me.Name = employeName
            Me.Title = employeeTitle
            Me.HireDate = employeeHireDate
            Me.HourlyRate = employeeHourlyRate

        End Sub

    End Class


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1.Serialize Data to Binary and XML at the same time
2.Serialize Object to XML Stream and output to screen
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5.Simple Serializable Person Object
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