Generate random numbers with an upper bound specified : Random « Development « VB.Net

Generate random numbers with an upper bound specified

Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module RandomNextDemo

    Sub UpperBoundRandoms( seed As Integer, upper As Integer )
        Dim randObj As New Random( seed )

        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 0 To 5
            Console.Write( "{0,11} ", randObj.Next( upper ) )
        Next j
    End Sub 

    Sub Main( )

        UpperBoundRandoms( 2, Int32.MaxValue )

    End Sub 
End Module 


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2.Random numberRandom number
3.Generating Random Numbers between the optional Low and High parameters
4.Returns a random number between the optional Low and High parameters
5.Random Class represents a pseudo-random number generator
6.Generate and display 5 random byte (integer) values
7.Generate and display 5 random integers
8.Generate and display 5 random integers between 0 and 100
9.Generate and display 5 random integers from 50 to 100
10.Generate and display 5 random floating point values from 0 to 1
11.Generate and display 5 random floating point values from 0 to 5
12.Create Random class, using the specified seed value.
13.Random.Next Method returns a nonnegative random number less than the specified maximum.
14.No bound random number
15.Generate random numbers with both bounds specified
16.Random.Next Method (Int32, Int32) returns a random number within a specified range.
17.20 random integers from 1000 to 10000
18.20 random integers from 1 to 10
19.Random.NextBytes fills the elements of a specified array of bytes with random numbers.
20.Random.NextDouble returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
21.Distribution of Random Numbers
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