Display individual properties of the resulting TimeSpan object : TimeSpan « Date Time « VB.Net

Display individual properties of the resulting TimeSpan object

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()

        Dim date1 As Date = #1/1/2010 8:00:15AM#
        Dim date2 As Date = #8/18/2010 1:30:30PM#

        Dim interval As TimeSpan = date2 - date1
        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", date2, date1, interval.ToString())

        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20}", "Value of Days Component:", interval.Days)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20}", "Total Number of Days:", interval.TotalDays)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20}", "Value of Hours Component:", interval.Hours)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20}", "Total Number of Hours:", interval.TotalHours)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20}", "Value of Minutes Component:", interval.Minutes)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20}", "Total Number of Minutes:", interval.TotalMinutes)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Value of Seconds Component:", interval.Seconds)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Total Number of Seconds:", interval.TotalSeconds)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Value of Milliseconds Component:", interval.Milliseconds)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Total Number of Milliseconds:", interval.TotalMilliseconds)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,20:N0}", "Ticks:", interval.Ticks)
   End Sub
End Module


Related examples in the same category

1.Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for TimeSpan value
2.Use a TimeSpan value with the Join method.
3.Format TimeSpan
4.Initialize a time span to zero
5.Initialize a time span to 14 days
6.Initialize a time span to 1:02:03
7.Initialize a time span to 250 milliseconds
8.Initalize a time span to 99 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59.9999999 seconds
9.Initalize a timespan to 25 milliseconds
10.Displays the strings returned by calling the ToString method with a number of TimeSpan values.
11.Use the TryParse method to create TimeSpan objects from TimeSpan strings
12.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan) method
13.Standard TimeSpan Format Strings
14.TimeSpan Structure Represents a time interval.
15.Create TimeSpan with hour, minute and second
16.TimeSpan.TicksPerDay Field represents the number of ticks in 1 day. This field is constant.