Obtain the DbProviderFactory for SQL Server. : Data Provider « Database ADO.net « VB.Net

Obtain the DbProviderFactory for SQL Server.


Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common

    Public Class MainClass
        Public Shared Sub Main()

            Dim factory As DbProviderFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient")
            Using con As IDbConnection = factory.CreateConnection
                con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Database=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
                Using com As IDbCommand = con.CreateCommand
                    com.CommandType = CommandType.Text
                    com.CommandText = "SET ROWCOUNT 10;SELECT prod.Name, inv.Quantity FROM Production.Product prod INNER JOIN Production.ProductInventory inv ON prod.ProductID = inv.ProductID ORDER BY inv.Quantity DESC;"
                    Using reader As IDataReader = com.ExecuteReader
                        While reader.Read
                            Console.WriteLine("  {0} = {1}", reader("Name"), reader("Quantity"))
                        End While

                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using

        End Sub
    End Class


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