Execute NonQuery To Insert Data and report how many rows affected

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
public class MainClass
Shared Sub Main()
Dim thisConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"integrated security=sspi;database=MyDatabase")
'Create Command object
Dim nonqueryCommand As SqlCommand = thisConnection.CreateCommand()
' Open Connection
Console.WriteLine("Connection Opened")
' Execute NonQuery To Create Table
nonqueryCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (ID integer)"
Console.WriteLine("Executing {0}", nonqueryCommand.CommandText)
Console.WriteLine("Number of rows affected : {0}", nonqueryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery())
' Execute NonQuery To Insert Data
nonqueryCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (37)"
Console.WriteLine("Executing {0}", nonqueryCommand.CommandText)
Console.WriteLine("Number of rows affected : {0}",nonqueryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery())
' Execute NonQuery To Drop Table
nonqueryCommand.CommandText = "DROP TABLE MyTable"
Console.WriteLine("Executing {0}", nonqueryCommand.CommandText)
Console.WriteLine("Number of rows affected : {0}", nonqueryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery())
Catch ex As SqlException
' Display error
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.ToString())
' Close Connection
Console.WriteLine("Connection Closed")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
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