Execute NonQuery To Create Table and report how many rows affected : SqlCommand Create « Database ADO.net « VB.Net

Execute NonQuery To Create Table and report how many rows affected

Execute NonQuery To Create Table and report how many rows affected
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

public class MainClass
   Shared Sub Main()
      Dim thisConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
          "integrated security=sspi;database=tempdb")

      'Create Command object
      Dim nonqueryCommand As SqlCommand = thisConnection.CreateCommand()

         ' Open Connection
         Console.WriteLine("Connection Opened")

         ' Execute NonQuery To Create Table
         nonqueryCommand.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE MyTable (ID integer)"
         Console.WriteLine("Executing {0}", nonqueryCommand.CommandText)
         Console.WriteLine("Number of rows affected : {0}", nonqueryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery())

         ' Execute NonQuery To Drop Table
         nonqueryCommand.CommandText = "DROP TABLE MyTable"
         Console.WriteLine("Executing {0}", nonqueryCommand.CommandText)
         Console.WriteLine("Number of rows affected : {0}", nonqueryCommand.ExecuteNonQuery())

      Catch ex As SqlException
         ' Display error
         Console.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.ToString())
         ' Close Connection
         Console.WriteLine("Connection Closed")

      End Try
   End Sub
End Class


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