Enum value format: d D : Enum Format « Data Types « VB.Net

Enum value format: d D

Imports System

Class Sample
   Enum Colors
      Yellow = 12
   End Enum 'Colors

   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim myColor As Colors = Colors.Yellow

      Console.WriteLine("myColor.ToString(""d"") = {0}", myColor.ToString("d"))
      Console.WriteLine("myColor.ToString(""D"") = {0}", myColor.ToString("D"))
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Sample


Related examples in the same category

1.Format Enum value to String: "G", "F", "D", "X"
2.Enum.Format Method converts enumerated type to string representation according to the specified format.
3.Enum.ToString Method converts enum to string using the specified format.
4.Enum value format: G g
5.Enum value format: x X
6.Enum value format: f F
7.Enumeration Format Strings: G
8.Enumeration Format Strings: F
9.Enumeration Format Strings: D
10.Enumeration Format Strings: X