Char.IsHighSurrogate Method tells whether the specified Char object is a high surrogate.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim cHigh As Char = ChrW(&HD800)
Dim cLow As Char = ChrW(&HDC00)
Dim s1 = New [String](New Char() {"a"c, ChrW(&HD800), ChrW(&HDC00), "z"c})
Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: {0:X4}", AscW(cHigh))
Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow: {0:X4}", AscW(cLow))
End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Sample
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