Quick Sort Demo : Sort « Data Structure « VB.Net

Quick Sort Demo

Quick Sort Demo
Imports System

Public Class MainClass
    Private Shared Values() As Integer
    Private Const NUM_VALUES As Integer = 99
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        Dim random_number As New Random
        Dim i As Integer
        ReDim Values(NUM_VALUES)
        For i = 0 To NUM_VALUES
            Values(i) = random_number.Next(100, 1000)
            Console.Write( Format$(Values(i)) & " " )
        Next i

        Console.WriteLine( "Sorted" )

        ' Sort the numbers.
        Quicksort(Values, 0, NUM_VALUES)
        For i = 0 To NUM_VALUES
            Console.Write( Format$(Values(i)) & " " )
        Next i

    End Sub
    ' "Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Algorithms"
    ' (http://www.vb-helper.com/vba.htm).
    Shared Public Sub Quicksort(ByVal list() As Integer, ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer)
        Dim random_number As New Random
        Dim med_value As Integer
        Dim hi As Integer
        Dim lo As Integer
        Dim i As Integer

        ' If min >= max, the list contains 0 or 1 items so
        ' it is sorted.
        If min >= max Then Exit Sub

        ' Pick the dividing value.
        i = random_number.Next(min, max + 1)
        med_value = list(i)

        ' Swap it to the front.
        list(i) = list(min)

        lo = min
        hi = max
            ' Look down from hi for a value < med_value.
            Do While list(hi) >= med_value
                hi = hi - 1
                If hi <= lo Then Exit Do
            If hi <= lo Then
                list(lo) = med_value
                Exit Do
            End If

            ' Swap the lo and hi values.
            list(lo) = list(hi)

            ' Look up from lo for a value >= med_value.
            lo = lo + 1
            Do While list(lo) < med_value
                lo = lo + 1
                If lo >= hi Then Exit Do
            If lo >= hi Then
                lo = hi
                list(hi) = med_value
                Exit Do
            End If

            ' Swap the lo and hi values.
            list(hi) = list(lo)

        ' Sort the two sublists.
        Quicksort(list, min, lo - 1)
        Quicksort(list, lo + 1, max)
    End Sub

End Class


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