CompareOptions Enumeration defines the string comparison options to use with CompareInfo. : IComparer « Data Structure « VB.Net

CompareOptions Enumeration defines the string comparison options to use with CompareInfo.


Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCompareOptions

   Private Class MyStringComparer
      Implements IComparer

      Private myComp As CompareInfo
      Private myOptions As CompareOptions = CompareOptions.None

      Public Sub New(cmpi As CompareInfo, options As CompareOptions)
         myComp = cmpi
         Me.myOptions = options
      End Sub 'New

      Public Function Compare(a As [Object], b As [Object]) As Integer Implements IComparer.Compare
         If a = b Then
            Return 0
         End If
         If a Is Nothing Then
            Return - 1
         End If
         If b Is Nothing Then
            Return 1
         End If

         Dim sa As [String] = a
         Dim sb As [String] = b
         If Not (sa Is Nothing) And Not (sb Is Nothing) Then
            Return myComp.Compare(sa, sb, myOptions)
         End If
         Throw New ArgumentException("a and b should be strings.")

      End Function 'Compare

   End Class 'MyStringComparer

   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim myArr() As [String] = {"this", "is", "a", "tes", "This", "Is", "a", "Test", "."}
      Dim myStr As [String]

      Dim myComp As New MyStringComparer(CompareInfo.GetCompareInfo("en-US"), CompareOptions.None)

      Array.Sort(myArr, myComp)

      For Each myStr In  myArr
      Next myStr

      myComp = New MyStringComparer(CompareInfo.GetCompareInfo("en-US"), CompareOptions.StringSort)
      Array.Sort(myArr, myComp)

      For Each myStr In  myArr
      Next myStr
   End Sub 
End Class 


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