Class Property Get and Set

Imports System
Public Class MainClass
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim time As New CTime3()
' invoke time6 methods
time.Second = (time.Second + 1)
time.Minute = (time.Minute + 1)
time.Hour = (time.Hour + 1)
Console.WriteLine( "Hour: " & time.Hour & "; Minute: " & _
time.Minute & "; Second: " & time.Second )
End Sub
End Class
' Represents time in 24-hour format and contains properties.
Class CTime3
Inherits Object
' declare Integers for hour, minute and second
Private mHour As Integer
Private mMinute As Integer
Private mSecond As Integer
' CTime3 constructor: initialize each instance variable to zero
' and ensure that each CTime3 object starts in consistent state
Public Sub New()
SetTime(0, 0, 0)
End Sub ' New
' CTime3 constructor:
' hour supplied, minute and second defaulted to 0
Public Sub New(ByVal hourValue As Integer)
SetTime(hourValue, 0, 0)
End Sub ' New
' CTime3 constructor:
' hour and minute supplied; second defaulted to 0
Public Sub New(ByVal hourValue As Integer, _
ByVal minuteValue As Integer)
SetTime(hourValue, minuteValue, 0)
End Sub ' New
' CTime3 constructor: hour, minute and second supplied
Public Sub New(ByVal hourValue As Integer, _
ByVal minuteValue As Integer, ByVal secondValue As Integer)
SetTime(hourValue, minuteValue, secondValue)
End Sub ' New
' CTime3 constructor: another CTime3 object supplied
Public Sub New(ByVal timeValue As CTime3)
SetTime(timeValue.mHour, timeValue.mMinute, _
End Sub ' New
' set new time value using universal time;
' uses properties to perform validity checks on data
Public Sub SetTime(ByVal hourValue As Integer, _
ByVal minuteValue As Integer, ByVal secondValue As Integer)
Hour = hourValue ' looks
Minute = minuteValue ' dangerous
Second = secondValue ' but it is correct
End Sub ' SetTime
' property Hour
Public Property Hour() As Integer
' return mHour value
Return mHour
End Get
' set mHour value
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If (value >= 0 AndAlso value < 24) Then
mHour = value
mHour = 0
End If
End Set
End Property ' Hour
' property Minute
Public Property Minute() As Integer
' return mMinute value
Return mMinute
End Get
' set mMinute value
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If (value >= 0 AndAlso value < 60) Then
mMinute = value
mMinute = 0
End If
End Set
End Property ' Minute
' property Second
Public Property Second() As Integer
' return mSecond value
Return mSecond
End Get
' set mSecond value
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
If (value >= 0 AndAlso value < 60) Then
mSecond = value
mSecond = 0
End If
End Set
End Property ' Second
End Class
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