Use query in where clause : Where « Select Query « SQL Server / T-SQL

Use query in where clause


2> CREATE TABLE Orders (
3>      OrderID int NOT NULL ,
4>      CustomerID nchar (5) NULL ,
5>      EmployeeID int NULL ,
6>      OrderDate datetime NULL ,
7>      RequiredDate datetime NULL ,
8>      ShippedDate datetime NULL ,
9>      ShipVia int NULL ,
10>     Freight money NULL DEFAULT (0),
11>     ShipName nvarchar (40) NULL ,
12>     ShipAddress nvarchar (60) NULL ,
13>     ShipCity nvarchar (15) NULL ,
14>     ShipRegion nvarchar (15) NULL ,
15>     ShipPostalCode nvarchar (10) NULL ,
16>     ShipCountry nvarchar (15) NULL
17> )
18> GO
2>    SELECT o1.CustomerID, o1.OrderID, o1.OrderDate
3>    FROM Orders o1
4>    WHERE o1.OrderDate = (SELECT Min(o2.OrderDate)
5>                          FROM Orders o2
6>                          WHERE o2.CustomerID = o1.CustomerID)
7>    ORDER BY CustomerID
8> GO
CustomerID OrderID     OrderDate
---------- ----------- -----------------------

(0 rows affected)
2> drop table orders;
3> GO


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1.Query a single row
2.Limiting the Search result using where clause
3.Use variable in where statement
4.Where value 'IS NULL'
5.Using defined variables in where clause
6.WHERE clause conditions can either be simple or contain multiple conditions
7.An expression can also be a part of the condition in the WHERE clause
8.Use of a comparison operator in the WHERE clause