NOT operator can be replaced by the comparison operator < > (not equal) : Logical Operator « Select Query « SQL Server / T-SQL

NOT operator can be replaced by the comparison operator < > (not equal)

1> CREATE TABLE employee  (emp_no    INTEGER NOT NULL,
2>                         emp_fname CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
3>                         emp_lname CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
4>                         dept_no   CHAR(4) NULL)
6> insert into employee values(1,  'Matthew', 'Smith',    'd3')
7> insert into employee values(2,  'Ann',     'Jones',    'd3')
8> insert into employee values(3,  'John',    'Barrimore','d1')
9> insert into employee values(4,  'James',   'James',    'd2')
10> insert into employee values(5,  'Elsa',    'Bertoni',  'd2')
11> insert into employee values(6,  'Elke',    'Hansel',   'd2')
12> insert into employee values(7,  'Sybill',  'Moser',    'd1')
14> select * from employee
15> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
emp_no      emp_fname            emp_lname            dept_no
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------
          1 Matthew              Smith                d3
          2 Ann                  Jones                d3
          3 John                 Barrimore            d1
          4 James                James                d2
          5 Elsa                 Bertoni              d2
          6 Elke                 Hansel               d2
          7 Sybill               Moser                d1

(7 rows affected)
4> -- NOT operator can be replaced by the comparison operator <> (not equal)
6> SELECT emp_no, emp_lname
7>         FROM employee
8>         WHERE dept_no <> 'd2'
9> GO
emp_no      emp_lname
----------- --------------------
          1 Smith
          2 Jones
          3 Barrimore
          7 Moser

(4 rows affected)
2> drop table employee
3> GO

Related examples in the same category

1.List of Comparison Operators
2.Use logical operator in where clause
3.Not less than
4.Not greater than
5.Not equal operator in SQL server
6.Logical operators with Parenthesis