Use CASE in the UPDATE statement : Update « Insert Delete Update « SQL Server / T-SQL

Use CASE in the UPDATE statement

28> CREATE TABLE project   (project_no   CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
29>                         project_name CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
30>                         budget FLOAT NULL)
32> insert into project values ('p1', 'Search Engine',        120000.00)
33> insert into project values ('p2', 'Programming',          95000.00)
34> insert into project values ('p3', 'SQL',                  186500.00)
36> select * from project
37> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
project_no project_name    budget
---------- --------------- ------------------------
p1         Search Engine                     120000
p2         Programming                        95000
p3         SQL                               186500

(3 rows affected)
2> -- Use CASE in the UPDATE statement.
4> UPDATE project SET budget = CASE
5>           WHEN budget > 0 and budget < 100000 THEN budget* 1.2
6>           WHEN budget > = 100000 and budget < 200000 THEN budget* 1.1
7>           ELSE budget* 1.05
8>           END
9> GO

(3 rows affected)
1> select * from project
2> GO
project_no project_name    budget
---------- --------------- ------------------------
p1         Search Engine                     132000
p2         Programming                       114000
p3         SQL                   205150.00000000003

(3 rows affected)
1> drop table project
2> GO


Related examples in the same category

1.Updating Rows Based on Multiple Tables
2.An UPDATE statement can only modify data of a single table
3.Update statement and IN operator
4.Modify rows of a table with an expression
5.Update a single column
6.Change more than one column by adding a comma and the additional column expression
7.Using an expression in our UPDATE statement
8.Update command with where condition
9.Update more than one columns in update clause
10.Update a single row
11.Updating a Column Value
12.UPDATE with a Join
13.Reference a declared variable in an update statement
14.Math operator in update statement