1. | Use Password encode | | |
2. | Change password with mysqladmin | | |
3. | Provide the option -p and then you will be asked for the root password | | |
4. | Set the root password | | |
5. | Set a password for every user | | |
6. | SET PASSWORD | | |
7. | mysqladmin: the MySQL root account, so you need to specify name and password options for that user | | |
8. | Using the SET PASSWORD Statement | | |
9. | Change your password to pw2 for the user account under which you're currently logged on to the system | | |
10. | Setting a password for a user account other than the one you used to log on to the system | | |
11. | Setting the root password | | |
12. | If the password has already been set for the root user, you must add the -p switch to the command and provide the existing password when prompted. | | |
13. | Introduce a new user called BOOKSQL with the password BOOKSQLPW. | | |
14. | Set up a new sample database administrator account with a username of sampadm and a password of secret | | |
15. | Suppose that my MySQL username and password are sampadm and secret. If the MySQL server is running on the same host | | |
16. | Create a user named second with the password pa552 and grant all privileges when logging in from any host. | | |
17. | Create a user named joss with the password f1refly, logging in from the localhost only, with all privileges plus GRANT OPTION on the duck_sales table only. | | |
18. | Create a user named marti on localhost with a password of tick3t, who has ALL privileges on the duck_sales table, and then revoke the DELETE, DROP, and ALTER privileges. | | |
19. | Connect to the server using the default hostname and username values with no password: | | |
20. | Connect to the server on the local host with a username of myname, asking mysql to prompt you for a password: | | |
21. | Connect to the server at a specific IP address, with a username of myname and password of mypass: | | |
22. | Connect to the server on the local host, using the default username and password and compressing client/server traffic | | |
23. | shell> mysqladmin -u root password 'rootpass' | | |
24. | Change password for root with update statement | | |
25. | If you want to assign passwords to the anonymous accounts | | |
26. | A password | | |
27. | Create user and assign password | | |
28. | Change password | | |
29. | Change password with password function | | |
30. | Grant select privilege to a user for a domain with password | | |
31. | The PASSWORD() function encrypts a specified string as a 41-byte hash value: PASSWORD() | | |
32. | SET PASSWORD=PASSWORD('g00r002b'); | | |