An example GRANT statement that assigns column-level privileges : Grant « User Permission « SQL / MySQL

An example GRANT statement that assigns column-level privileges


GRANT SELECT, UPDATE (BookTitle, Copyright)
ON test.Books
TO 'user1'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'pw1';


Related examples in the same category

1.Verify the grant
2.Using the SHOW GRANTS Statement
3.Grant usage to a user
4.Connecting to the server as cbuser from a host named, the GRANT statement should look like this
5.The following GRANT statement grants privileges to a user account named ethan.
6.The Grant Tables in the mysql database controls access to MySQL and the MySQL databases.
7.Reloads the grant table and returns version-related information
8.GRANT statement specifies the MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR and MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR options, setting the value of each to 50
9.GRANT statement
10.SHOW GRANTS statement displays the user account information for
11.Using the FLUSH PRIVILEGES Statement to reload the grant tables into memory
12.Verify the grant.
13.Have the user joss grant the DELETE privilege to marti@localhost.
14.Grant the grant option
15.Check the grants
16.Grant select privilege to a user
17.Grant insert and update for user
18.Grant update for certain table
19.Grant select privilege for a database
20.Grant create, alter,drop and create view for a database
21.Grant select for information_schema for a user
22.Grant select and insert for all tables
23.Grant create, alter, drop privilege for all
24.Grant privilege for creating user
25.Grant all privileges
26.Grant references with grant option
27.Grant references
28.Grant insert privilege
29.Grant select on *.*
30.Grant select on * MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 1
31.Revoke grant option
32.GRANT statement creates a user account and grants global-level privileges to that account
33.The GRANT statement grants SELECT and UPDATE privileges on all tables in the test database
34.To view how the user account is added to the grant tables
35.Now take a look at an example of a GRANT statement that uses a REQUIRE clause
36.GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES to a user from localhost
37.Flush the grant tables
38.Grant permission for event
39.Grant permission for a procedure
40.Give user permission for querying a view
41.Allow newUserName to sign in from any computer
42.Allow newUserName access to all databases
43.Give the SQL user BOOKSQL the privileges to create and manipulate tables.
44.Give users the required privileges.
45.Setting Up a MySQL User Account
46.Give user newUserName on computer computerName full privileges
47.Created and given full access to the firstdb database
48.Create a second access to the database, one with fewer privileges
49.To reset an existing limit to the default of no limit, specify a value of zero.
50.To specify an anonymous-user account, specify an empty string for the user part of the account name:
51.Specifying Resource Limits
52.The right to change access privileges.