Statements That Automatically Commit Transactions : autocommit « Transaction « SQL / MySQL

Statements That Automatically Commit Transactions


ALTER TABLE:         Modifies a table definition.
CREATE INDEX:        Creates an index on a table.
DROP DATABASE:       Removes a database from a MySQL server.
DROP INDEX:          Removes an index on a table.
DROP TABLE:          Removes a table from a database.
LOCK TABLES:         Prevents concurrent access to tables.
RENAME TABLES:       Renames a table.
SET AUTOCOMMIT=1:    Sets the autocommit mode to on.
START TRANSACTION:   Begins a transaction.
TRUNCATE TABLE:      Removes data from a table.
UNLOCK TABLES:       Unlocks locked tables.


Related examples in the same category

1.MySQL provides the @@autocommit system variable that allows you to view the current autocommit mode setting.
2.The following SET statement sets the autocommit mode to off:
3.Turn the autocommit mode back on