Reference column in select command : Select « Select Clause « SQL / MySQL

Reference column in select command

mysql> Drop table Bird;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> CREATE TABLE Bird (
    ->     name VARCHAR(20),
    ->     owner VARCHAR(20),
    ->     species VARCHAR(20),
    ->     sex CHAR(1),
    ->     birth DATE,
    ->     death DATE
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ('BlueBird','Joe','Car','f','1999-03-30',NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ('RedBird','Yin','Bus','m','1979-03-30',NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from Bird;
| name     | owner | species | sex  | birth      | death |
| BlueBird | Joe   | Car     | f    | 1999-03-30 | NULL  |
| RedBird  | Yin   | Bus     | m    | 1979-03-30 | NULL  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT name, birth FROM Bird;
| name     | birth      |
| BlueBird | 1999-03-30 |
| RedBird  | 1979-03-30 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Drop table Bird;

    name VARCHAR(20), 
    owner VARCHAR(20),
    species VARCHAR(20), 
    sex CHAR(1), 
    birth DATE, 
    death DATE
INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ('BlueBird','Joe','Car','f','1999-03-30',NULL);
INSERT INTO  Bird VALUES ('RedBird','Yin','Bus','m','1979-03-30',NULL);
select * from Bird;
SELECT name, birth FROM Bird;

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1.Define and use variable in select clause
2.Use defined variable in new select clause
3.Select clause with condition
4.Choose specific columns
5.Performing Mathematics
6.Simple Retrieval:Returning Multiple Columns
7.Simple Retrieval:Returning a Single Column
8.Simple Retrieval: Returning All Columns
9.Performing a Single Row INSERT
10.Retrieve all columns in a table
11.Using constant string value as comment message for aggregate function