Boolean Search Expressions (IN BOOLEAN MODE) : Boolean Search « FullText Search « SQL / MySQL

Boolean Search Expressions (IN BOOLEAN MODE)


+word               The word must be contained.
-word               The word may not appear.

~word               The word should not appear in the record. 
                    Thus ~word is suited to eliminate "noise words".

<word               Gives the word a lesser standing.
>word               Gives the word a greater standing.
word*               Searches for words that begin with word (e.g., word, words, wordless).
"word1 word2"       This exact word order should be searched. Case-insensitive.
()                  Used to group expressions. 

A Boolean full-text search might look like this:

SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE MATCH(column1, column2)
AGAINST('+word1 +word2 -word3' IN BOOLEAN MODE)


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