TEXT and BLOB Data Type Sizes and Upper Limits (in Bytes) : Text Type « Data Type « SQL / MySQL

TEXT and BLOB Data Type Sizes and Upper Limits (in Bytes)

Data Type               |  Size       |  Bytes             |
|TINYTEXT and TINYBLOB  | 2^8-1       |255                 |
| TEXT and BLOB         |2^16-1       |65,535              |
|MEDIUMTEXT and         |2^24-1       | 16,777,215         |
|MEDIUMBLOB             |             |                    |
|LONGTEXT and LONGBLOB  |2^32-1       | 4,294,967,295      |


Related examples in the same category

1.TEXT character string with variable length, maximum 2^16-1 characters
2.Create a table with TEXT type column