Data Types in MySQL : Data Type Summary « Data Type « SQL / MySQL

Data Types in MySQL

| Numbers             | Text             | Date and Time           | Defined Group  |
| Integers: INT,      | Normal strings:  | Date and time: DATETIME |Enumerated lists:| 
|           TINYINT,  |   CHAR           |                         |          ENUM
|           SMALLINT, |                  |                         |                |       
|           MEDIUMINT,|                  |                         |                |
|           BIGINT    |                  |                         |                | 
| Fixed decimals:     |Variable strings: | Date and time: TIMESTAMP|Sets of similar | 
|   NUMERIC, DECIMAL  |  VARCHAR         |                         |   data: SET    | 
|Floating point:      |Long text:        | Date only: DATE         |                | 
| FLOAT, DOUBLE       |      TINYTEXT,   |                         |                | 
|                     |      MEDIUMTEXT, |                         |                | 
|                     |      TEXT,       |                         |                | 
|                     |      LARGETEXT   |                         |                | 
|                     | Binary Long      | Time only: TIME         |                | 
|                     | Objects: BLOB,   |                         |                | 
|                     |    TINYBLOB,     |                         |                | 
|                     |    MEDIUMBLOB,   |                         |                | 
|                     |    LONGBLOB      |                         |                | 
|                     |                  |Year only: YEAR          |                | 

Related examples in the same category

1.The fractional data types
2.Binary data types support the storage of large amounts of data, such as image and sound files.
3.Numeric Column Types
4.Integer Types in MySQL with Sizes and Ranges