Ask the server to report the number of connections it's received and its uptime : Show « Command MySQL « SQL / MySQL

Ask the server to report the number of connections it's received and its uptime

mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Connections';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Connections   | 145   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Uptime';
| Variable_name | Value  |
| Uptime        | 867895 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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1.Determine which functions the running version of MySQL supports with the SQL command SHOW VARIABLES.
2.Determine the computer's time zone with SHOW_VARIABLES
3.The SHOW INDEX statement
5.SHOW TABLES with LIKE clause
6.Using SHOW and DESCRIBE to Review Table Structures
7.Returns information about all indexes of the table
8.Show columns command
9.Using the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement
10.Using the SHOW VARIABLES Statement to Retrieve Server System Variable Settings
11.Returning now to the syntax, you can see that a basic SHOW STATUS statement is very straightforward
12.SHOW STATUS statement returns all those status variables whose name contains the string select:
13.Have the root user show the change.
14.Using Show Create Table command to check table
16.To find out the current type of a table, use the SHOW TABLE STATUS statement or SHOW CREATE TABLE
18.Using Database-Related SHOW Statements
19.SHOW DATABASE statement
20.Using Table-Related SHOW Statements
21.This SHOW statement returns more than these columns
22.Add a LIKE clause at the end of a SHOW statement to display information only for column names that match a given pattern
23.To determine the tables a particular database contains, use SHOW TABLES:
24.SHOW DATABASES and SHOW TABLES can each take a LIKE 'pattern' clause
25.Using the SUM function, make a report that shows the total sales numbers in each quarter.
26.Show warnings
27.Show status for a procedure
28.Show create procedure
29.Specify a value in the LIKE clause that includes the string query
30.Listing Existing Tables in a Database with SHOW TABLES
31.Returns a list of all databases
32.Testing Whether a Database Exists
33.Listing Database or Table Names
34.The _ character means "match any character" in pattern strings
35.Determining Existing SPs
36.Monitoring the MySQL Server
37.get the thread identity
38.Returns a list of all tables in dbname
39.Testing Whether a Table Exists
40.Getting Table Structure Information