Sending Mail over an SMTP Connection : Email « Network « Python

Sending Mail over an SMTP Connection

import smtplib, socket

fromaddr =
toaddrs  = ["",

msg = open("multimsg.eml", "r").read()

    server = smtplib.SMTP('')
    result = server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)
    if result:
        for r in result.keys():
            print "Error sending to", r
            rt = result[r]
            print "Code", rt[0], ":", rt[1]
except (smtplib.SMTPException, socket.error), arg:
    print "SMTP Server could not send mail", arg


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1.Print out email message from your email box
2.Send email to two receivers
3.Get email message mymailbox.msg file
4.Sending Some E-Mail
5.MIME Multipart Messages
6.Send an email
7.Login to POP3 server and retrieve information