Modifying parent tables with ONLY
postgres=# postgres=# -- Creating a child table postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE "authors" ( postgres(# "id" integer NOT NULL, postgres(# "last_name" text, postgres(# "first_name" text, postgres(# Constraint "authors_pkey" Primary Key ("id") postgres(# ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "authors_pkey" for table "authors" CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# CREATE TABLE distinguished_authors (award text) postgres-# INHERITS (authors); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO distinguished_authors postgres-# VALUES (1,'S', 'N', 'Prize'); INSERT 0 1 postgres=# postgres=# -- Selecting with inheritance postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM distinguished_authors postgres-# WHERE last_name = 'S'; id | last_name | first_name | award ----+-----------+------------+------- 1 | S | N | Prize (1 row) postgres=# postgres=# -- Modifying parent tables with ONLY postgres=# postgres=# UPDATE only authors SET first_name = 'Paul' postgres-# WHERE last_name = 'Simon'; UPDATE 0 postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM distinguished_authors; id | last_name | first_name | award ----+-----------+------------+------- 1 | S | N | Prize (1 row) postgres=# postgres=# SELECT * FROM authors; id | last_name | first_name ----+-----------+------------ 1 | S | N (1 row) postgres=# postgres=# drop table distinguished_authors; DROP TABLE postgres=# drop table authors; DROP TABLE postgres=#