Reading Records with a Delimiter : preg_match_all « String « PHP

Reading Records with a Delimiter

  $file = fopen("testfile.csv", "r") or die("Cannot open file!\n");

  while ($line = fgets($file, 1024)) {
    preg_match_all("/[^,\"]+|\"([^\"]|\"\")*\"/", $line, $fields);
    echo "First field is:  " . $fields[0][0] . "\n";
    echo "Second field is: " . $fields[0][1] . "\n";


Related examples in the same category

1.A non-capturing optional subpattern
2.Capturing HTML headings
4.preg_match_all demo
5.preg_match_all searches a string for all the occurrences of a regular expression
6.preg_match_all() function matches all occurrences of pattern in string.
7.Finding Matches Globally with preg_match_all()
8.Matching with preg_match_all()
9.Using preg_match_all() to Match a Pattern Globally
10.Using preg functions
11.Extracting text from HTML tags
12.Finding the nth match
13.Making a quantifier match as few characters as possible
14.m modifier: match an anchored pattern on multiple lines of text.