Operator Precedence : Operator Precedence « Operator « PHP

Operator Precedence

Associativity          Operators
left                   ,
left                   or
left                   xor
left                   and
right                  print
left                   = += -= *= /= .=%=&= |= ^= ~= = =
left                   ? :
left                   ||
left                   &&
left                   |
left                   ^
left                   &
non-associative        == != ===
non-associative        < <= > >=
left                   << >>
left                   + - .
left                   * /%
right                  ! ~ ++  (int) (double) (string) (array) (object) @
right                  [
non-associative        new

Related examples in the same category

1.Operator Precedence summary table
2.Operators, precedence, and their associativity
3.Using the ? Operator
4.Using the ? operator to create a message