PHP Data Types : Data Type « Data Type « PHP

PHP Data Types

Type                Description

Boolean             Possible values are True and False.

Float               Floating-point values.

Integer             Integer values.

String              Any series of ASCII characters 0?255. PHP strings are binary safe.

Array               An indexed list of other values. All data types are allowed as values.

Object              A class instance.

Resource            A handle to an internal data structure. This can be a database connection or a result set.

Related examples in the same category

1.gettype() and settype() Data Types
2.Returns true if $a is an array
3.Returns true if $a is a floating-point number
4.Returns true if $a is an integer
5.Create Object and check its type
6.Create Object and get its type
7.Returns true if $a is a string
8.is_numeric in action