array_pad 3 : array_pad « Data Structure « PHP

array_pad 3


  $dogs = array('A' => 'AA', 'Bud' => 'BB','C' => 'D');

  $pups = array_pad($dogs, 6, 'mutt');

  printf("<p>Pups:</p><pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($pups, TRUE));

  $pups = array_pad($dogs, -6, 'mutt');

  printf("<p>Pups:</p><pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($pups, TRUE));

  printf("<p>Dogs:</p><pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($dogs, TRUE));

Related examples in the same category

1.Add new values to the beginning of the array by using a negative value for $size:
2.An array that is padded from the front
3.Setting an Array's Size: array array_pad(array $input, int $size, mixed $value)
4.Using array_pad() with associative arrays
5.array_pad 1
6.array_pad 2
7.array_pad() function expands an array to a precise size, padding it with a default value.
8.Pad array to the specified length with a value