Using array_map() and array_walk() together : array_map « Data Structure « PHP

Using array_map() and array_walk() together


  function array_display($array, $pre=FALSE)
    $tag = $pre ? 'pre' : 'p';
    printf("<%s>%s</%s>\n", $tag, var_export($array, TRUE), $tag);

  function get_pay($emp, $hr, $rt)
    return sprintf('%s worked %.2f hours, and grossed $%.2f',
                   $emp, $hr, $rt * $hr);

  function display_pd_emp(&$el)
    printf("<p>%s.</p>\n", $el);

  $employees = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'N');
  $hours = array(35.2, 37.4, 41.3, 28.8, 38.5);
  $rates = array(12.5, 12.5, 13.75, 9.85, 11.6);

  $paid_emps = array_map('get_pay', $employees, $hours, $rates);
  array_walk($paid_emps, 'display_pd_emp');

  array_display($paid_emps, TRUE);

Related examples in the same category

1.Applying Functions to Array Elements Using array_map()
2.Using the array_map() Function