Array array_chunk : Array Function « Data Structure « PHP

Array array_chunk

   $cards = array("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P");
   // shuffle the cards
   print "<BR><BR><BR>";   
   // Use array_chunk() to divide the cards into four equal "hands"
   $hands = array_chunk($cards, 4);


Related examples in the same category

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3.array_keys: Return all the keys of an array
4.array_diff_assoc: Array difference for associate array
5.array_flip: Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array
6.array_values: Return all the values of an array
7.Using the array_unique () Function
8.Array shuffle
10.Using the array_intersect () Function
11.Using the array_diff () Function
12.array_merge_recursive: Merge two or more arrays recursively
13.Using the array_merge () Function
14.array_rand: Pick one or more random entries out of an array
15.array_search: Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful
16.Array count value
17.array_reverse: Return an array with elements in reverse order
18.array_pop: Pop the element off the end of array
19.array_push: Push one or more elements onto the end of array
20.array_pad: Pad array to the specified length with a value
21.Using the array_push () Function
22.count() function can also be used to access certain elements in the array
23.The count() Function
24.Using_the array_shift () Function
25.array_splice: Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else
26.Using the array_slice () Function
27.current: Return the current element in an array
28.end: Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element
29.in_array: Checks if a value exists in an array
30.array_multisort: Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays
31.array_sum: Calculate the sum of values in an array Advance the internal array pointer of an array