Formula to produce random numbers between 5 and 15 inclusive : rand « System Functions « Perl

Formula to produce random numbers between 5 and 15 inclusive


$x=5 ;   

# Formula to produce random numbers between 5 and 15 inclusive
# $random = int(rand($y - $x + 1)) + $x;
# $random = int(rand(15 - 5 + 1)) + 5

    print int(rand($y - $x + 1)) + $x , "\n";
    sleep 1;


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2.Random integers produced by 1 + int( rand( 6 ) )
3.Random numbers produced by rand( 100 )
4.Random numbers produced by rand()
5.Generate random numbers
6.Let system determine seed
7.Combine rand function and letter range to generate random letter
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9.A program that generates random integers between 1 and 10.