Return reference to variable : Return « Subroutine « Perl

Return reference to variable



use warnings;
use strict;

sub definelexical {
    my $lexvar = "the original value";
    return \$lexvar;   

sub printlexicalref {
    my $lexvar = ${$_[0]};   # dereference the reference
    print "The variable still contains $lexvar \n";

my $ref = definelexical();


Related examples in the same category

1.The return values of the ref function: hash
2.Return reference from a function
3.Return two array references from a subroutine
4.Return value from subroutine reference
5.A subroutine that returns a scalar or a list.
6.A subroutine that returns a value
7.Return Value
8.Return a reference from a sub
9.Return a subroutine from a subroutine
10.Return hash value from subroutine
11.Return more than one value from subroutine
12.Return two arrays from subroutine
13.Return value from subroutine without using the return statement
14.Returning arrays from subroutines
15.Returning data from subroutines
16.The last statement is the value to return
17.Using return statement
18.Using the return statement.