1. | Using foreach to iterate over an array. | | |
2. | foreach ( 1 .. 10 ) : loops 10 times, not requiring a control variable | | |
3. | Standard foreach structure. Prints the letters A-G | | |
4. | Duplicate of the foreach structure with for structure | | |
5. | Duplicate the for structure with the foreach keyword | | |
6. | Standard foreach structure, printing the values in a list | | |
7. | $_ takes the place of the control variable | | |
8. | Using foreach loops with hashes. | | |
9. | Using block labels with next in nested looping structures. | | |
10. | The foreach statement lets you iterate for each element in a list or array: | | |
11. | Each time through the loop, foreach places the next element of the list into the scalar variable. | | |
12. | Example of foreach from a min to a max. | | |
13. | Use foreach to loop through hash with keys function | | |
14. | foreach statement with number range | | |
15. | Using foreach to loop through an array without using the default value | | |
16. | Using foreach to loop through array variable | | |
17. | Declare variable in foreach statement | | |
18. | Using variable defined outside in foreach loop | | |
19. | Using predefined variable $_ in foreach loop | | |
20. | Using array length in foreach statement | | |
21. | For each loop with array | | |
22. | For each loop with array and $_ | | |
23. | The foreach statement iterates through list values, assigning a variable the value of each element in turn. | | |
24. | foreach statement. | | |
25. | Choosing an Iterator | | |
26. | If you declare your iterator outside the loop, any value it had then will be restored afterwards. | | |
27. | The foreach Loop | | |
28. | foreach and array | | |
29. | The foreach modifier evaluates once for each element, with $_ aliased to each element | | |
30. | foreach Loop Array Processing | | |
31. | foreach Loop Hash Processing | | |
32. | foreach Loop Hash Processing in a CGI Program | | |
33. | foreach (1 .. 10) range | | |
34. | Using foreach statement with print | | |
35. | Using foreach statement with hash | | |