Shortcuts for Regular Expressions : Greedy « Regular Expression « Perl

Shortcuts for Regular Expressions


Pattern     Interpretation
/\d/        Any digit.
/\D/        Anything other than a digit.
/\w/        Any word character, i.e., [_0-9a-zA-Z].
/\W/        Anything other than a word character (match on a non word character).
/\s/        Any white space (tab, return, space, or newline).
/\S/        Anything other than white space.
/./         Any character other than a newline.

The \w pattern matches a single character, not a whole word. 
To match against a word, try \w+.


Related examples in the same category

1.Greedy Matches
2.Greedy and non-greedy quantifiers
3.Greedy searches
4.The Greedy Metacharacters
5.The greedy quantifier
6.Turning Off Greediness
7.A greedy quantifier
8.Shortcut Expansion Description
9.Shortest possible match