Regular Expression Patterns : Pattern matching « Regular Expression « Perl

Regular Expression Patterns


Pattern     Interpretation
/a/         Looks for any instance of a.
/a+/        Matches one or more instances of a. 
/a*/        Matches zero or more instances of a.
/a?/        Matches zero or one instance of a.
/a|b/       Matches either a or b.


Related examples in the same category

1.Pattern Matching Operators
2.Pattern Modifiers
3.Pattern Tester
4.Pattern anchors in Perl.
5.Pattern array
6.Pattern match
7.Pattern-Matching Operators(The syntax used to perform a pattern match on a string)
8.Pattern-matching options.
9.Patterns containing + always try to match as many characters as possible.
10.Using variables containing matched subpatterns.
11.Regular expression character patterns
12.Regular expression metacharacters
13.Regular expression modifiers
14.Regular expression pattern quantifiers
15.Regular expression: start a string with period
16.Reversing subpatterns
17.Repeating patterns
18.Check for 'a'
19.Check for 4-8 a's
20.Check for a or b
21.Check for and remove a trailing backslash character
22.Check for leading alpha character, rest alphanumeric
23.Check for no 'a'
24.Check for white space
25.A program that illustrates the use of the matching operator.
26./d.f/ matches d, followed by any non-newline character, followed by f
27./de{1,3}f/ matches d, followed by one, two, or three occurrences of e, followed by f.
28.Print line unless it matches E
29.Count the match times