Logical Operators (Short-Circuit Operators) : Boolean Operators « Language Basics « Perl

Logical Operators (Short-Circuit Operators)


Operator    Alternative Form       Example             Meaning
&&          and                    $x && $y            If $x is true, evaluate $y and return $y
                                   $x and $y           If $x is false, evaluate $x and return $x
||          or                     $x || $y            If $x is true, evaluate $x and return $x
                                   $x or $y            If $x is false, evaluate $y and return $y
            xor                    $x xor $y           True if $x or $y is true, but not both
!           not                    !$x                 Not $x; true if $x is not true
                                   not $x   


Related examples in the same category

1.! $v1 && $v2
2.&&, ||, and !
3.@a1 = $v1 && 1 .. 10;
4.Boolean Combination Operators
5.Compound Boolean operator Or: ||=
6.Logical operators are defined
7.Precedence with word operators and short-circuit operators
8.Short-circuit operators
9.The 'and' Operator
10.Using boolean operator (and &&) to connect the comparison operator