The each function returns, in random order, a two-element array: the key and the value of a hash. : each « Hash « Perl

The each function returns, in random order, a two-element array: the key and the value of a hash.


#Format: each(ASSOC_ARRAY)

#! /usr/bin/perl
# The each function retrieves both keys and values from a hash
              'Mon' => 'Monday',
              'Tue' => 'Tuesday',
              'Wed' => 'Wednesday',
              'Thu' => 'Thursday',
              'Fri' => 'Friday',
              'Sat' => 'Saturday',
              'Sun' => 'Sunday',
   print "$key = $value\n";


Related examples in the same category

1.Each function:
2.Using each to get key and value pair from hash
3.each function returns both key and value in a hash
4.Using the each operator to extract a key/value pair as a list from the hash