Hash Value Sorting : sort « Hash « Perl

Hash Value Sorting



%Inventory = (a=>45_000.00,b=>120.00,c=> 450_000.00,d=>40.00);

$sortHash = \%Inventory;
@keyList = sort sortHashByValue keys %Inventory;
foreach $key (@keyList){
   print "key==>$key, \tprice==>$Inventory{$key}\n";
sub sortHashByValue(){
   $$sortHash{"$a"} <=> $$sortHash{"$b"};


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1.Numerically Sort a Hash by Values in Ascending Order
2.Numerically Sort a Hash by Values in Descending Order
3.Sort Hash by Keys Numerically
4.Sort Hash by Keys in Reverse Order
5.Sort keys in a hash
6.Sort values in a hash
7.Sorting a Hash
8.Ordered hash
9.Using customized function to sort keys in a hash