Delete the element with key 'Joe' from %hash : delete « Hash « Perl

Delete the element with key 'Joe' from %hash


%hash = ( Karl  => 2,
          Joe   => 3,
          Shawn => 0,
          Paul  => 1, 
          Bill  => undef );

# obtain the list of hashKeys and display each key-value pair
@hashKeys = keys( %hash );

for ( $i = 0; $i < @hashKeys; ++$i ) {
   print "$hashKeys[ $i ] => $hash{ $hashKeys[ $i ] }\n";

delete( $hash{ 'Joe' } );


Related examples in the same category

1.Delete from hash
2.Delete an entry in hash
3.The delete Function
4.The delete operator removes a key/value pair from an associative array.
5.Check key existance after using 'delete' operator