File stats : stat « File « Perl

File stats


use warnings;
use strict;

print "Enter filename to test: ";
my $filename = <>;
chomp $filename;

if (lstat $filename) {
    print "$filename is a file \n" if -f _;
    print "$filename is a directory \n" if -d _;
    print "$filename is a link \n" if -l _;

    print "$filename is readable \n" if -r _;
    print "$filename is writable \n" if -w _;
    print "$filename is executable \n" if -x _;
} else {
    print "$filename does not exist \n";


Related examples in the same category

1.Getting Information on a File
2.Get return value from stat function
3.Get the file size
4.Get the length of a file
5.File statistics returned from the stat command
6.Checks the permissions of a file
7.Call stat function from file handle
8.Lists files in directory; then gets info on files with stat
9.The stat Function for Windows NT File Attributes