HEADER DESCRIPTION : Environment Variables « CGI « Perl


HTTP_ACCEPT                   MIME types, for example,"image/gif, image/xxbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,image/png, */*".
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET           Character sets, for example, "iso88591,*,utf8".
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING          Character coding types, for example, "gzip".
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE          The languages, for example, "en".
HTTP_AUTHORIZATION            The authorization data of an HTTP authentication.
HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL            Set if a request can be cached by the server.
HTTP_CONNECTION               The connection type, for example, "Keep-alive".
HTTP_COOKIE                   The cookie or cookies transmitted by the client.
HTTP_HOST                     The name of the server requested by the client.
HTTP_REFERER                  The URL of the page from which this page was accessed.
HTTP_USER_AGENT               The user agent, for example, "Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.2.9 i686)". Note that user agents often pretend to be other agents to work with web sites that treat particular agents differently.
HTTP_VIA                      Proxy cache or caches.
REQUEST_METHOD                GET or POST.
PATH_INFO                     The relative path of the requested resource.
PATH_TRANSLATED               The absolute path of the requested resource.
QUERY_STRING                  Additional supplied parameters.
SCRIPT_NAME                   The name the script was called with.
DOCUMENT_ROOT                 Root of the HTML document tree, for example, /home/sites/myserver.com/html/.
GATEWAY_INTERFACE             The revision of the CGI specification, for example, CGI/1.1.
SERVER_NAME                   The server's hostname, for example, www.myserver.com.
SERVER_SOFTWARE               The server software's name,for example, Apache/1.3.11 (Unix).
AUTH_TYPE                     The authorization type, for example, Basic, if authentication is being used. 
CONTENT_LENGTH                Length content sent by the client in bytes.
CONTENT_TYPE                  Type of the content sent by the client, for example, text/html.
PATH                          The search path for remotely executable programs.
PATH_INFO                     The extra path information given by the client. 
PATH_TRANSLATED               The value of PATH_INFO converted into a physical file location.
QUERY_STRING                  The information that follows the ? in a URL.
REMOTE_ADDR                   The IP address of the remote host.
REMOTE_HOST                   The hostname of the remote host. This may be the same as
REMOTE_ADDR                   If the server is not doing name lookups.
REMOTE_IDENT                  The remote user name retreived from the ident protocol. This is usually unset, as servers rarely perform this lookup.
REMOTE_PORT                   The port number of the network connection on the client side.
REMOTE_USER                   The user name that was authenticated by the server, if authentication is being used.
REQUEST_METHOD                How the script was called (GET, PUT, POST...).
SCRIPT_NAME                   The virtual path to the script, for example, /perl/askname.plx.
SCRIPT_FILENAME               The absolute path to the script, for example, /home/sites/myserver.com/scripts/askname.plx.
SERVER_ADMIN                  The email address of the web server administrator, for example, webmaster@myserver.com.
SERVER_PORT                   The port number to which the request was sent, for example, 80.
SERVER_PROTOCOL               The name and revision of the protocol used to make the request, for example, HTTP/1.1.


Related examples in the same category

1.Display CGI environment variables
2.Viewing Environment Variables in a CGI Script
3.CGI Environment Variables
4.Learn about the server for a CGI request
5.Program to display CGI environment variables.
7.Get and display the browser type by referencing HTTP_USER_AGENT
8.Server Environment Values
9.CGI request-related environment variables
10.CGI server-related environment variables
11.CGI client-related environment variables
12.Display all values in env
13.Determining the User Agent and Printing the Appropriate Result
14.CGI Environment Variables (Must Be Uppercase)
15.CGI environment variable
16.An example of using QUERY_STRING.