Array slices 2 : Slice « Array « Perl

Array slices 2

($c[0], $c[1],$c[3], $c[5])=@colors;  # The slice
print @colors,"\n"; 
print "@colors,\n"; 

print $c[0],"\n";    
print $c[1],"\n";    
print $c[2],"\n";    
print $c[3],"\n";    
print $c[4],"\n";    
print $c[5],"\n";    
print "The size of the \@c array is ", $#c + 1,".\n";


Related examples in the same category

1.Array Slices
2.A program that assigns to an array slice.
3.A program containing overlapping array slices.
4.A program that uses an array variable as an array-slice subscript.
5.A program that demonstrates the use of an array slice.
6.Array Elements Assigned to a Slice
7.Displaying slices of @array
8.Slice an array by referencing the index in a sub range
9.Slicing out part of an array to make a sort of subarray