Measure the fragmentation of free space in all of the tablespaces in a database : Table space « Table « Oracle PL / SQL

Measure the fragmentation of free space in all of the tablespaces in a database


SQL> select
  2        Tablespace_Name,
  3        SQRT(MAX(Blocks)/SUM(Blocks))*
  4        (100/SQRT(SQRT(COUNT(Blocks)))) Fsfi
  5  from DBA_FREE_SPACE
  6  group by
  7        Tablespace_Name
  8  order by 1
SQL> spool fsfi.lis
SQL> /

TABLESPACE_NAME                    FSFI
------------------------------  -------
DATA_1                             8.30
SYSAUX                            12.07
SYSTEM                            59.31
UNDO                              64.89
USERS                            100.00

SQL> spool off


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3.Moving Tables To New Tablespaces or Storage
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7.Check space with show_space for an index with compress 2
8.Create two indexes on one table and check the space
9.alter tablespace
10.Map user objects to tablespaces.
11.The plsql user is created using the USERS and TEMP tablespace.