List all employees with salary between 1300 and 1600 : Where « Select Query « Oracle PL / SQL

List all employees with salary between 1300 and 1600

SQL> create table emp
  2  ( empno      NUMBER(4)    constraint E_PK primary key
  3  , ename      VARCHAR2(8)
  4  , init       VARCHAR2(5)
  5  , job        VARCHAR2(8)
  6  , mgr        NUMBER(4)
  7  , bdate      DATE
  8  , sal       NUMBER(6,2)
  9  , comm       NUMBER(6,2)
 10  , deptno     NUMBER(2)    default 10
 11  ) ;

Table created.

SQL> insert into emp values(1,'Tom','N',   'Coder', 13,date '1965-12-17',  800 , NULL,  20);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(2,'Jack','JAM', 'Tester',6,date '1961-02-20',  1600, 300,   30);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(3,'Wil','TF' ,  'Tester',6,date '1962-02-22',  1250, 500,   30);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(4,'Jane','JM',  'Designer', 9,date '1967-04-02',  2975, NULL,  20);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(5,'Mary','P',  'Tester',6,date '1956-09-28',  1250, 1400,  30);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(6,'Black','R',   'Designer', 9,date '1963-11-01',  2850, NULL,  30);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(7,'Chris','AB',  'Designer', 9,date '1965-06-09',  2450, NULL,  10);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(8,'Smart','SCJ', 'Coder', 4,date '1959-11-26',  3000, NULL,  20);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(9,'Peter','CC',   'Designer',NULL,date '1952-11-17',  5000, NULL,  10);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(10,'Take','JJ', 'Tester',6,date '1968-09-28',  1500, 0,     30);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(11,'Ana','AA',  'Coder', 8,date '1966-12-30',  1100, NULL,  20);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(12,'Jane','R',   'Manager',   6,date '1969-12-03',  800 , NULL,  30);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(13,'Fake','MG',   'Coder', 4,date '1959-02-13',  3000, NULL,  20);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp values(14,'Mike','TJA','Manager',   7,date '1962-01-23',  1300, NULL,  10);

1 row created.

SQL> select  ename, init, sal
  2  from    emp
  3  where   sal between 1300 and 1600;

ENAME    INIT         SAL
-------- ----- ----------
Jack     JAM         1600
Take     JJ          1500
Mike     TJA         1300

SQL> drop table emp;

Table dropped.


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1.Query a varchar2 type column in where statement
2.The TO_DATE function in where clause
3.WHERE clause with a GROUP BY clause
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5.Use an analytical function in a WHERE clause
6.Using the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING Clauses Together
7.Use ROWNUM in where clause
8.Where clause converts text with date value format to date value
9.Use Trunc in where clause
10.Combining WHERE Conditions
11.List all employees who are younger than Jane