Distinct city and state : DISTINCT « Select Query « Oracle PL / SQL

Distinct city and state


SQL> create table emp(
  2           emp_no                 integer         primary key,
  3           lastname               varchar2(20)    not null,
  4           firstname              varchar2(15)    not null,
  5           midinit                varchar2(1),
  6           street                 varchar2(30),
  7           city                   varchar2(20),
  8           state                  varchar2(2),
  9           zip                    varchar2(5),
 10           shortZipCode                   varchar2(4),
 11           area_code              varchar2(3),
 12           phone                  varchar2(8),
 13           salary                 number(5,2),
 14           birthdate              date,
 15           startDate              date,
 16           title                  varchar2(20),
 17           dept_no                integer         ,
 18           mgr                    integer,
 19           region                 number,
 20           division               number,
 21           total_sales            number
 22  );

Table created.

SQL> -- emp Table Inserts:
SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, birthdate, title)values
  2                      (1,'Z','Joy','R','1 Ave','New York','NY','12122','2333','212','200-1111','12-nov-1976','President');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, salary, birthdate, startDate,title, dept_no, mgr, region, division, total_sales)valu
  2                      (2,'X','Lucy','J','1 Street','New York','NY','43552','6633','212','234-4444',7.75,'21-mar-1976','1-feb-1994','Sales Manager',2,1,100,10,40000);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into emp(emp_no, lastname, firstname, midinit, street, city, state, zip,shortZipCode, area_code, phone, salary, birthdate, startDate,title, dept_no, mgr, region, division, total_sales)valu
  2                      (3,'Y','Jordan','E','1 Drive','New York','NY','76822','8763','212','222-2222',7.75,'14-feb-1963','15-mar-1995','Sales Clerk',2,2,100,10,10000);

1 row created.

SQL> select distinct city, state from emp;

CITY                 ST
-------------------- --
New York             NY

1 row selected.

SQL> drop table emp;

Table dropped.


Related examples in the same category

1.Remember that the DISTINCT operator applies to the entire select list
2.DISTINCT: Eliminating duplication in the result set
3.DISTINCT operator inside a group function
4.DISTINCT clause can be used with more than one field
5.Eliminating Duplicate Data Using DISTINCT
6.Eliminating Duplicate Date type Data Using DISTINCT
7.Count distinct with group by
8.DISTINCT tableName.*