Common SQL*Plus Environment Variables : Environment Variables « SQL Plus « Oracle PL / SQL

Common SQL*Plus Environment Variables


Variable                         Function                                                                  Usage

ARRAY[SIZE]                      Determines the number of rows fetched from database at one time           SET ARRAY 50

AUTO[COMMIT]                     Specifies whether commits of transactions are automatic or manual         SET AUTO ON

COLSEP                           Specifies the text that you want printed in between column values         SET COLSEP

COPY[COMMIT]                     Sets the frequency of commits when using the COPY command                 SET COPY 10000

DEF[INE]{&/C/ON/OFF}             Sets the prefix character used during variable substitutions              SET DEFINE ON

ECHO {OFF/ON}                    Specifies whether echo is on or off                                       SET ECHO ON

EDITF[ILE]                       Sets the default filename when you use your default editor                SET EDITFILE draft.sql

FEED[BACK] {OFF/ON}              Specifies whether SQL*Plus shows the number of records returned           SET FEEDBACK OFF

FLUSH {OFF/ON}                   Determines whether output is buffered or flushed to the screen            SET FLUSH OFF

HEA[DING] {OFF/ON}               Specifies whether the column headers are printed or not                   SET HEAD OFF

LIN[ESIZE] {80|n}                Specifies the number of characters displayed per line                     SET LINESIZE 40

LONG {80/n}                      Specifies the maximum width of the LONG, CLOB, NCLOB, and XMLType values  SET LONG 100000

NEWP[AGE] {1/n/none}             Specifies the number of blank lines at the top of each new page           SET NEWPAGE 0

NUM[WIDTH] {10/n}                Specifies the format for displaying numbers                               SET NUM

PAGES[IZE] {24/n}                Specifies the number of lines in each page                                SET PAGESIZE 60

PAU[SE] {OFF/ON/TEXT}            Specifies the amount of output that is printed to the screen              SET PAUSE ON

SERVEROUT[PUT] {OFF/ON}[SIZE n]  Specifies whether output of PL/SQL code is shown                          SET SERVEROUTPUT ON

SQLP[ROMPT] {SQL> |TEXT}         Specifies the command prompt for SQL*Plus sessions                        SET SQLPROMPT 'salapati >'

TERM[OUT] {OFF/ON}               Specifies whether command file output is displayed or not                 SET TERMOUT OFF

TI[ME] {OFF/ON}                  Displays time if set to on                                                SET TIME OFF

TIMI[NG] {OFF/ON}                Controls the display of timing for SQL commands                           SET TIMING OFF

VER[IFY] {OFF/ON}                Specifies whether SQL text is displayed after variable substitution       SET VERIFY OFF 


Related examples in the same category

1.SHOW ALL command